A Force More Powerful

This documentary explores how popular movements battled entrenched regimes and military forces with unconventional weapons like boycotts, strikes, and demonstrations. Acts of civil resistance helped subvert the operations of government, and direct intervention in the form of sit-ins, nonviolent sabotage, and blockades frustrated many rulers’ efforts to suppress people.

 Visit the website here.

Defeating ISIS: Is There a Non-Violent Solution?

LEGATUM INSTITUTE, NOVEMBER 23, 2015. Srdja Popovic discusses innovative ways to defeat ISIS using non-violent methods. Interviewed by Peter Pomerantsev, Senior Fellow at the Legatum Institute.

Beyond the Revolution: Google Zeitgeist 2012

Srdja Popovic talks about CANVAS, nonviolent protest training, people power and dictators, giving lots of examples from Serbia, Russia and the Arab Spring.

Revolution 101: Oslo Freedom Forum

Srdja Popovic gives his talk “Revolution 101” at the Oslo Freedom Forum, drawing from historical examples and theoretical studies.

Nonviolent Struggle: Zeitgeist Americas 2013

“If people do not obey, rulers cannot rule”- Gene Sharp. Is his talk to Zeitgeist Americas 2013, Srdja Popovic elaborates on nonviolent action, comparing its results with violent action, drawing on international examples and studies.

Can humor hold the key to mobilizing people and changing the world? BBC World News

Srdja Popovic discusses the role of humour in nonviolent action, along with his book, Blueprint for Revolution, at BBC World News (June 3rd, 2015).

How to Topple a Dictator TEDxKrakow Talk by Srdja Popovic

Srdja spoke at TEDxKraków, an independently organised TED event which took place on 20 October 2011 at the Manggha Centre for Japanese Art and Technology in Kraków, Poland. Srdja talked about people power movements and bringing down dictators through non-violent struggle.

Why the World Loves a Political Outsider: The Guardian | Comment is Free

From Syriza to Podemos, Hong Kong to the UK, people from outside the establishment have been shaking up politics.

Serbian revolutionist Sr?a Popovi? argues that the popularity of these political insurgents lies in the impression that they are allowing the people to influence the system, in ways that seem impossible in traditional politics. But how do these outsiders fare once they enter the halls of power? And can they ever truly replace the old guard?

Oslo Freedom Forum – Revolution 101: How To Peacefully Upend A Corrupt System

On the side-lines of the United Nations General Assembly, the Oslo Freedom Forum organized their first ever meeting in New York, on September 19th. OFF offered a platform for riveting talks, world-class networking, interactive exhibits, music, art, comedy, and conversations between courageous activists and leaders from business, philanthropy, technology, and media. The Young Turks Politics Reporter Nomiki Konst spoke with Srdja Popovic about how to successfully lead a peaceful revolution in one’s country.  

Srdja Popovic for The Economist – How to Bring Down a Dictator in 5 Simple Steps