11. Activism during pandemic

Every day, it seems a new brush stroke is added to the dystopian picture we call 2020. The coronavirus pandemic environment has and is disrupting civil society globally. Lockdowns and physical distancing measures are conectning people to their homes and upending their ability to meet, organize, and advocate. Social distancing measures effectively disabled some of the most popular forms of protests (rallies, marches, etc), and wherever you speak to human rights and democracy defenders you will hear that “it is so difficult to engage people or event talk about democracy and human rights as everybody talks only about the pandemic and economic disaster.”

But, despite depressing conditions there are growing signs that movements are increasingly adapting to new circumstances. From Hong Kong to Bolivia, from Philippines to Uganda, activists and peacebuilders are confronting the need to innovate tactically and adapt their strategies amid national lockdown orders, social distancing, and other measures intended to curb the spread of the coronavirus. 


  1. Learn how to adapt movement to the to the everchanging environment in which you operate
  2. What will be the long-term impact of the pandemic on how people engage activism and protests. 
  3. Found creative ways to build organizations and reputation during the time of the pandemic. 

12. Digital and on-the-ground security

Sophisticated phishing and social engineering methods turn simple modes of communication into entry points into information about organizations plans and activities. As a result, cybersecurity awareness training is essential to reduce the risk to activists.


  1. Recognize the importance of digital security when operating in oppressed societies 
  2. Learn about online threats and how to avoid them
  3. Understand how digital security reflects to physical security and vice versa 

13. Identifying and overcoming fear

If a movement intends to succeed, members must first understand the methods and techniques used to overcome the adverse effects of fear. Removing or reducing fearful stimuli and anticipating surprises, through improved understanding and developed skills and discipline, have proven to be effective. This module will explain the psychological characteristics of fear and techniques used to overcome it.


  1. Understand what fear is and responses to fear 
  2. Learn about the techniques for handling fear and techniques to be used during the action 

14. Role of the movement in case of a coup

Coup, not so rare phenomenon in a societies that crave for change. We have witnessed numerous coups in a last decade that prevented nonviolent change. What are the consequences for a non-violent movement, what is the role of a non-violent movement in the event of a coup and what steps should be taken to prevent the consequences is what this module will try to answer.


  1. Discover rules in dealing with the coup 
  2. Analyzing most important pillars and how to engage them during the coup 
  3. Learning strategy and tactics that work in cases of coup